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Organize a cleanup: let's say something about pollution pt. 2

In part 1 I have highlighted the essential points on pollution, environmental problems and risks to the ecosystem.In part 2, we will learn how to arrange an environmental cleanup in 5 easy steps.

It's extremely important to know how our contribution could make the difference in making th environment and the space we live in cleaner and decent. At least in small residential communities, where it is easier to organize a cleanup.

Here it is, the ultimate guide on how to pu together a group of volunteers.????


Beach cleanups

Many people have started to become more aware of the topic of waste and pollution.

To protect the environment, some groups of volunteers decide to come to an agreement to collect waste on beaches or in the woods: this is an extremely valid action to protect the ecosystem and make the environment in which we live more decent.

Cleaning beaches or woods can be carried out alone, of course, but if you organize yourself to form a small group of volunteers, this activity can certainly become more fun and effective. questa attività potrà diventare di sicuro più divertente e più efficace.

How to organise a cleanup in 5 steps

Now all that remains is to understand how to organize a group cleanup, with your neighbors, friends and even with other people outside your own social circle.

It can be a way to socialize in these difficult times, as well as a gesture of love for nature.

Below we will see these 5 steps necessary to organize this type of event.They are perfectly adaptable to every type of need, whether it is cleaning up a beach, a forest, the road near home ...

In short, the important thing is to get busy to collect waste where there shouldn't be any.

Basta munirsi di Just bring gloves, possibly second-hand shoes or rubber boots and, of course, rubbish bags: pay attention to the size of the bags! During the last 4-person mini event organized by me, we collected 4 medium-sized bags full of glass, plastic, cans and paper, in just 500 meters from home.

Questo per sottolineare quanto anche un luogo di campagna abbastanza isolato possa essere inquinato.

Lastly, children can also participate in these activities. Indeed, I would dare to say that they could represent a good way to allow children to understand, by experiencing them, the severity of the effects of human actions on the ecosystem., la gravità degli effetti delle azioni umane sull’ecosistema.

Children also love to be included in activities that they consider "adult", to feel bigger and more responsible.

cleanup of municipal streets

While to decide to clean a beach, it is necessary to contact the concessionaire, to decide to clean up the municipal roads, especially those in the countryside, it is not necessary to contact anyone.

However, if you want to be sure, you can always talk to your municipality of residence to find out about any cleaning regulations and know how to manage and where to throw the collected waste.

Anyway, the ideal would be to promote the initiative on social media, or through flyers to hang in stores, in pharmacies as long as you have permission.

An even better method to gather people for your group of volunteers, would be to create an event on Facebook for example, and, if you want, sponsor it or make it crowdfunding for the material necessary for the activity: bags, gloves and any gadgets for those who join the initiative such as water or some snacks.

Summing up

Step 1. Find a not too busy place that you will clean up che si andrà a ripulire

Step 2. Ask the municipality of the chosen place if it is possible to carry out this type of activity.

Step 3. Organize the collection and disposal of waste with special bodies or on your own (not very recommended).

Step 4. Now that everything is organized, you can promote and possibly sponsor the event on social media, deciding the day, place and time of the meeting.Or create flyers to post in stores or pharmacies, if you are allowed to.

Step 5. Collect memberships and get organized for water and snacks:people will really like these things, and they will feel welcomed in an atmosphere of friendship.


Sono Silvia, ho 22 anni e sono cofondatrice di Blancavite, un'e-commerce dedicato a offrire prodotti biologici di alta qualità. Attraverso il mio blog, condivido esperienze, informazioni e approfondimenti legati al mondo biologico. Il mio obiettivo è ispirare la consapevolezza su scelte di vita più sane e promuovere il benessere attraverso prodotti naturali. Benvenuti nel nostro spazio virtuale dove la passione per il biologico si trasforma in una fonte di conoscenza e ispirazione!

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