Home Recipes Vegan & Bio

Vegan pancakes with soy cream and berries

We continue our series of vegan recipes vegan pancakes with vegetable cream and berries, light and delicious.

Vegetable cream can be purchased ready-made, but we will write you a very short and easy recipe to prepare it at home, without sugar: to sweeten these delicious pancakes, in fact, there will be berries non mancheranno i frutti di bosco!

Here is our YouTube video with the whole process to make these vegan pancakes.

The recipe

Pancakes are easy to make and they are perfect for starting the day.

This is our vegan pancakes recipe (without eggs) with vegetable homemade cream and berriesYou can also decorate them with maple syrup, brown sugar or even honey!

INGREDIENTS FOR 5 PANCAKES (you can double the doses if you want)

  • 50g/3 tbsp flour 
  • 1 tsp cream of tartar or baking soda
  • 4-5 tbsp vegetable milk (rise or almonds)
  • ready-made vegetable cream,or read below for making it by yourself
  • berries

Vegetable cream:

  • 100ml/3 tbsp soy milk or more (don't try any other kind of vegetable milk, because it doesn't work)
  • 180ml/4-5 sunflower oil, or peanut oil or corn oil di mais o girasole o arachide


Mix flour, cream of tartar and vegetable milk togetherPour some of the mixture in a no stick pan. 

Cook the pancakes until they become golden brown. 

Vegetable cream:

Pour soy milk into a glass. versare il latte vegetaleThen pour seed oil slowly l’olio di semi and mix it all with an immersion blender., fino ad ottenere la consistenza desiderata. 


When the pancake mixture begins to form small bubbles, then it's time to turn it over and cook it on the other side. and cook it on the other side. 

To make vegetable cream use always soy milk, otherwise you won't obtain a cream. 


Sono Silvia, ho 22 anni e sono cofondatrice di Blancavite, un'e-commerce dedicato a offrire prodotti biologici di alta qualità. Attraverso il mio blog, condivido esperienze, informazioni e approfondimenti legati al mondo biologico. Il mio obiettivo è ispirare la consapevolezza su scelte di vita più sane e promuovere il benessere attraverso prodotti naturali. Benvenuti nel nostro spazio virtuale dove la passione per il biologico si trasforma in una fonte di conoscenza e ispirazione!

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