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Veg recipe: cocoa cake with chopped almonds and raspberries

Finally a dessert! It has been a while since I published a recipe for a dessert, but today the time has come again: so, here is the truly delicious recipe for cocoa cake with chopped almonds and raspberries.

Suitable for vegans for its purely vegetable ingredients, but so tasty that even non-vegans will really love it! As they surely loved our spaghetti with dried tomato pesto.

It is super easy to make and you need a few but healthy ingredients, which are also easy to find. our YouTube video which you can consult to see the complete process of preparing this fantastic cake.

Cocoa cake with chopped almonds and raspberries.

Do you have 45 minutes to make something good? Then perfect, because it will only take 10 minutes or less to prepare the cake (35 minutes for baking it).

Let's get started! Below you will find the ingredients list and the list of the kitchen tools you'll need.


  • 270ml water/ca 9oz
  • 120g/4.2oz
  • a tbsp cocoa powder
  • 100ml/3.3oz olive oil
  • a tbsp baking powder
  • 100g/3.5oz almonds
  • ca 2 cups plain flour
  • orange peel as required
  • raspberries


  • a kitchen whisk
  • a medium sized bowl
  • a grater
  • a mixer


Start with the water: pour water inside a bowl and add sugar.At this point, stir with a kitchen whisk until sugar is completely dissolved.

Now add cocoa powder, baking powder and olive oilSlowly add plain flour to obtain a creamy yogurt-like compound .

Grate the orange peel (optional) to give aroma. Add almonds into the mixer and pour them inside the bowl with the rest of the compound.Stir.

Grease a baking sheet with oil and pour the mixture into it. Now, garnish it with raspberries: I like them a lot so I usually put a fairly large amount of them.

Non vi resta che Bake at 180°C/356°F for 35 minutes.Let it cool and then serve it with some cream or more raspberries. Delicious!


Essendo una torta vegana, in sostanza a base di acqua, la consistenza dopo cotta non sarà mai quella di una torta che ha tra gli ingredienti le uova e il burro, tuttavia, rimane lo stesso morbida e soffice come deve essere.

Raspberries are optional, but they give this slightly sour taste you can't do without! ma sono proprio loro che regalano alla torta il suo gusto leggermente aspro e delizioso.

You can buy chopped almonds if you want.


Sono Silvia, ho 22 anni e sono cofondatrice di Blancavite, un'e-commerce dedicato a offrire prodotti biologici di alta qualità. Attraverso il mio blog, condivido esperienze, informazioni e approfondimenti legati al mondo biologico. Il mio obiettivo è ispirare la consapevolezza su scelte di vita più sane e promuovere il benessere attraverso prodotti naturali. Benvenuti nel nostro spazio virtuale dove la passione per il biologico si trasforma in una fonte di conoscenza e ispirazione!

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